Google Caffeine and Website Speed

With the imminent launch of the project Google caffeine – Google’s new search algorithym which is said to be twice as fast as the current search algorithym, your website loading speed could have a dramatic effect on your search engine rankings. Certainly Matt Cutts from Google suggested Google will be looking far more closely at this in the new year. So what can you do to make your website perform as quickly as possible? Our top 5 tips would be:

  1. Choose a great web hosting service with no downtime (or as little downtime as possible).
  2. Try to have as little javascript on the actual web page itself, ideally place the javascript all into one file and compress this file – this will enable the web page to load quicker.
  3. In the same vain as the javascript, try to place all your CSS files in the same files and compress these in the same manner as the javascript files.
  4. If you website has to use images, try to compress these files as small as possible, otherwise image overload could seriously slow down your website speed.
  5. Try to remove any unnecessary coding from the actual web page itself. If you have Google Analytics installed (or other analytics / tracking software), place this at the end of the web page coding (just before the </body> tag), rather than at the beginning of the coding.